Sunday, April 18, 2010

The Authority Volume 1 May/June Issues 1999

Wow... So, The Authority. I really like this comic series. I need to start over with Stormwatch though, since I didn't know about it till the end of the May issue. So far I really like these characters. Their super powers feel fresh, except for Midnighter whose kind of a Batman rip off in design and attitude and the one chick with wings who seems to not really be important and just like an obligatory Hawk Girl character thus far. My favorite character so far seems to be Jack Hawksmoor whose power is Place Empathy. I thought that was an interesting twist on an empath character. That and how his interactions with other people seem much more gruff and less connected. I also like the generational characters of The Doctor and The Engineer. The idea of gaining powers because the previous hero died just feels new even though I know it isn't. I hope to find out more about what they do since The Engineer seems to be the only female character that I find interesting in this series thus far. I'd also like to stop giggling every time they mention The Doctor, because it makes me think of Doctor Who.

Visually, I'm still not sold on the series. It has a little bit of the feel that digital comics have that I don't like, even though I have no idea how this was made. But I can overlook some of the flaws I dislike in favor of the story, which for knowing nothing of this franchise, is doing a very good job of filling me in on the back story of the characters.

I had one hiccup with the transition between the May and June issues though. The story arc from the May issue didn't continue into June. Though I could have just misread the end of the May issue. Since it could have implied that they beat the bad guy. It doesn't help that the enemies in the June issue are reoccurring from Stormwatch though. It left me a tad out of depth about what was going on.

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